Saturday, January 7, 2012

An aspiring food blogger... right.

My gosh... how fast time flies!

And I am surprised on how 'updated' my blog is... lol!

It has been monthsss since I've updated :(. I guess laziness does takes it toll.

Reflecting on 2011, I think I was really blessed that year! Many great things happened... even though I've went through tough times.

(A very long elaboration shall be posted after this)

This is the first time in so many years, I've went to 3 countries :O

1# Bangkok ( Sorry forgot to upload pics to picasa)



Got to dine in a barrack-turned-into-a-restaurant for the first time :)

Simple yet captivating menu..

O.O. I still cannot believe I've eaten such an atas pancake!!

I don't recall the name of this dish. I only know it tastes FAB!!!

Burgers with fries.. and the top right one is sweet potato fries :)

Pizza with filled with blueberry sauce :O

Hot chocolate :)

Unfortunately, I am not very good at elaborating food captions and stuff. I suck lol!! I have this friend that posts about mouthwatering eateries. Check out Sin Ling's food blog!

THANK YOU COUSIN for the lovely treat and such a wonderful place to stay :)

Talking about food, we were treated with a lot of food from relatives and friends! My mum hardly paid for any meals actually. lol, taking about being sponsored... wohoo! *Feeling special*

Another scrumptious meal! Man... I didn't know Singapore has such GOOD FOOD!!!

Dessert filled with yam and Gingo. Wait... is that how you spell it?

Omg... this siam mee is crazy awesome and FAT!!


Malaysia... Y U NO Kopitam like this? Y U always serve so sien food? I wan the siam mee!!

Someone touched to tears... with a solemn expression that is.

THANK YOU AUNTT!! The food was fantastic! I hope you are doing well in this restaurant! (She's working there btw)

We were also treated with dim sum from uncle!! *Salivates*

And the highlight of the entire food marathon is ....

Deng deng deng ...

We had international buffet at MARINA BAY SANDS hotel! Or is it? I know it is connected to the shopping mall in marina bay sands... There's a boat on top of the building. That's the one. lol

Me looking classy and posh! Nice right?



A variety of desserts..

Take all the cheese you want!!

Honestly, this is the most delicious mushroom soup I've ever tasted. It's not too creamy.. the texture is just right... and of course... it is filled with REAL mushroom!!

Look how greedy am I when it comes to chocolate toppings. lol

I want!!

Talking about hand made ice cream...

Artsy right? I am a good photographer or what?

Seafood jelly. Yuck... was tricked by my bro to eat this thing! Someone got over inventive with food. Come on, fish inside a jelly? No thanks.

I want to bake a brownie like this - perfection!

Terima kasih sama-sama Encik Kenny for this atas buffet!

And seriously... there are SOOOO many pictures about this buffet that I cannot post all of it. I am afraid that the readers will get too overwhelm and eat their pc's. Lol! No la, actually I kinda lazy to post all. Cos too much.

This was also my first time dining in such a posh restaurant. Rm200 per person for this buffet. Apart from the seafood jelly, everything was awesome. Too much of food that I can't try all of them. Especially the desserts! I want to cry nao :(

Thank you God for such a fulfilling trip! I've never eaten so much in a trip before. Apart from the pics I posted, I still have more food pics. Sigh... dunno how to blog all of it.

Thank you all relative and friends for everything. And of course God... for blessing us an almost all expense paid trip!


#3 Korea.

Okay I shall delay the post. Lol... if not it will be too lengthy and tiring to read.

Btw... this post is a mess. I wanted to talk a bit only. But I ended up posting the entire SG trip lol. Because the album has so many pictures... I was tempted to post the pics.

Originally, I wanted to post a reflection and my resolution for 2012. HAHAHAH! Talking about plan go wrong.

P/S: I just realized, this post is all about food! O.O

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