Thursday, November 13, 2008


An Adrenaline crush occurred to me this morning.

*Yawns* My phone rang. At that particular moment, I thought it was my alarm clock! Lucky thing I did not shut it off straight! My bbf called me, telling me that ALL test papers were distributed. I was in a total shock, half scared of knowing it, another half excited? Ugh, ever since I dropped rock bottom in this test, I am allergic to test papers right now. Like, paranoid! *Grimaced* Yuck.

Sigh, that news really made me paranoid, an acidic knot forming in the process. Got ready, tried to wake my mum up, she seems to be, annoyed, in a way. Thank God she did not kill me!

Drum rolls...

Results time! Stop... wait wait.. I stepped into the school ground looking for the "SPBT" room first, I was literally paranoid that the room was not opened. You know, cheap school. My mum would be pushing me off the cliff! I prayed really hard, thank GOD it was opened.

Hisyam was really kind. I called him last night, that his textbook was with me "literally". I had been very selfish at the moment.... I almost erase his name... But anyhow, I did lost my PSK textbook. Had to pay up. The teacher was really annoying, talking to the phone, blabbering nonsense at the same time. Just to return 1 stupid textbook, took me half an hour. Slow.

Cannot wait to take my super low results. Surprisingly my BM did better then I had expected. I still remember leaving the whole entire "bina ayat" section blank. And, I got only 20 for rumusan. Wow, total 68. I cannot believe it, I thought I will fail! Seriously...


And, I really really, troubled my mum a whole bunch! After collecting the papers, lucky thing we went to abc! (Cos I haven't calculated my marks, hehe) Need to be super cautious. Never manage to gulp in anything, carrying and calculating my marks like a stupid. Eventually my epiglottis was stopping me from eating.

And, manage to pujuk my mum to go back to school ( You know how bad is my maths, I counted extra) Muahaha, GOD IS REALLY GOOD! She never scold me, never nag, never nothing. Wow. Miracle.

Manage to drop by again. So much for taking all my results, it took me almost an HOUR. Debating with teachers, eventually all of them were cold and insensitive. Sobs..

Will miss chemistry teacher a lot (Pn.Norhayati) a lot, it seems she will be leaving! Dang! She is the best chemistry teacher in the world. I will pray that she won't get to transfer! SPM next year, how can she abandon 4B like that, cruel!

And, I am going to SUNWAY with 4L! Almost 50 ppl will be going, lucky thing my friend had extra places, alas only one place left. Phew, God is GOOD! Again, how can I live without Him? Haha. Very excited, Not just hanging with my old friends, I don't need to wear the stupid apron uniform to school. Haha

Btw.. received something...

Tadah~ My bbf just give me this cute little phone strap! Wee~ Love it, another belated birthday present. She wants to make this "personal" because we are best best friends! Yeah! Really, I want to get this for her also, but then, she got it for me already. I wanted something like this a long long time! I bet it would be very expensive. Because 1 alphabet is rm4 I think, There were 7 of them, and 1 elephant at the end. Wow.

Even though it was spelled as"Lashuky", but still, I love it. A lot. Correction, it is Lavshuca. Haha.


Another wishlish for christmas:

Pray hard that I would get AT LEAST 5A's
*Biology, Chemistry. Not sure yet, I am getting paranoid!
Really hope I will remain in 4B, Sha also.




1 comment:

Nope said...

Congrats for your exam results... Uh, oh yeah, and sorry for leaving comments that look half-cooked and half-stirred. Donno what to write...

Hmm, yeah... Donno what to say. K la.. Take care, have fun for your holidays, and by the way, me being the organiser, I may cancel the entire thing altogether on the Dec 5th thing. Tired...

Hopefully God would let me...

Ok, bye bye..