Exasperated. Drops of sweat dripped helplessly due to the involuntary act of perspiration, the source of light could barely register. The claws of dream and illusion, manipulates his insights persistently, twisting every edge of his soul far beyond its reach, inside out, forming an acidic knot in the middle. The endless pit that bridged through his soul has never failed to trigger a familiar feeling. What could suffice the need of having a getaway? Senseless. Yes, that is the answer.
Senseless to any mortal that revolves around him.
Senseless to any possible impulse.
Senseless from any raging emotions.
Hard. Cold.
Hints of Gold flickered through his ever glowing amber eyes.
( This is a tribute to my favorite anime character, Himura Kenshin. Apart from the "rurouni"
I prefer the evil side of him. Battousai. So cool! I love it when he fought with Saitou. My all time favorite childhood anime. P/S: Seriously, this is just random-ness. Not the emo emo thing. Lols)
Rurouni Kenshin! W00t! The only cartoon I woke up at 9.30am for when I was young! Kenshin! Kenshin! Kenshin! W00t!!!
I'm like a walking Kenshin Dictionary. I got the whole comic collection, bought from Kinokuniya. Cost my mum, collectively, roughly RM800. One day I take a pic of the whole collection and post in Blogspot. Muahahahaa!
Saito Hajime! Gatotsu Ishiki! Gatotsu Nishiki! Gatotsu Sanshiki! Gatotsu Zeroshiki! Saito's full arsenal of moves!
And Hitokiri Battousai! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryukansen! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryushosen! Hiten Mitsurugi Kuzu-Ryusen! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu-Meisen! Hiten Mitsurugi Amakakeru Ryu-No Hirameki! The strongest! Muahahaa! I do realise that I'm missing one move though... Can't seem to remember.. Sigh. Wait, I finally remembered! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryutsuisen! Dragon Hammer Strike! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Wow, I could go on and on and on about Samurai X. Fiewh, ok, I won't burden your eyes anymore with all these words. Pardon me ;)
Oh, hold on. How can I forget about Shishio Makoto?! His strongest move! Kaguzuchi! Wait, is that how you spell it? Hmm...
Oh, my favourite! Sojiro! Gaaah! Can't remember his full name! Dang! Haha.
Sojiro, a.k.a Heaven's Sword, or, Tenken. His famed Batoujutsu's speed far exceeds that of Kenshin's Shinsoku, or, godspeed. What the...? I can't remember his finishing move!! I can't believe this...
Wait, lemme think... Umm...
SHUNTEN-SATSU!!! Haha! I remembered! W00t! I'm so crazy about this! And how Kenshin beat Sojiro was through the usage of Hiten's greatest move, the Amakakeru-Ryu No Hiramkeki! The secret is putting your left foot in front, instead of the traditional right. Muahahahaha! Kenshin is like my alter ego!
Oh, what about Kenshin's master?? How can I forget him??? And Kamiya Kaoru, his love? Or even the one who caused the scar on Kenshin's face?! Who, unfortunately, I can't remember the name...Sigh.. Enishi's sister is all I can remember... Haha.
Oh my, I better stop. This has to be my longest comment and most time consuming to write. Sorry! :P
I remembered! Finally I remembered! Seta Sojiro! That is his name! You since std 2 ar? I since std 1! Muahahaha! Even better!
I still remember that it was on RTM2 at 10am. I bet I'm a bigger fan than you. Much bigger!
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