Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shoot! I guess I am gettin' older?

--- Sweet 16 --

Hey, it seems that this is my 1st time blogging.. Well, I never really thought of doing so, but then, it is really hard to say "no" when so many people urged me to do so..

So, I guess it is fair to start now!

Well, hmm, let's see... I am 16 now, which, is quite sweet, literally. With full of assignment pilling up my desk, loads of homework, crazy teachers ( that assume humans are actually supernatural) by ordering dangerous, hazardous missions. And if you fail, it is WAY worst then hell. Not just being haunted, or stalked, it will eventually kill you like how microorganisms do. Crazy huh?

Haha, not till the extend by completing 1500 words essay in just 2 days, once a week.

That, is what I call hell... doomed..

This year, oh golly, is definitely not a fun year, at all. If it is not for god's ever gracious, wonderful love on me, I don't think I can sustain. This is what we call pressure, stress, high blood pressure.
Now I really understand why people die from it. Sigh. Well, it kicked off as a year that I had to break up with my besties. Oh, dilemma! No more gossips, games, anime, craps! NOOOOO!!
After that, being alienated is not a scary thing, being humiliated, is another thing. Nobody wants to sit with me.. sobs.. how heartbreaking! And then, people in my class are the tops! And then, disgusting homeworks! And then, so many subjects, 10 in total! And then, lunatic lectures! And then... and then...

But thank god, seriously, the "and then" stopped! Even though life is still filled with loads of "And then", but hey, I human you know!

Those times, were the times where I really gain unforgettable experiences. Honestly, it sucks.
But, I had learned to appreciate those times. It is not easy, but, god has really been ultimately good and gracious to me. He taught me how to share my burdens with him, to trust him with all my soul. Life is just so much easier, when you know how to surrender, and to always have faith in him. Believe, and the truth shall set you free! Yay! That is what true joy is all about!

Trust me, I am not being all mushy, but if you get to know me, I have a lot of testimonies to share! It is really great knowing the Lord! To me, I don't choose christianity just because people say " all religions teaches us good, noble characters in life" nope. That is not the main priority.
I choose it because I find it really special, by knowing him, I had loads of hope in my life! I am not alone anymore, cause this is not just only hope. It comes from his love, and this is why, I am able to live my life to its fullest! Yay!

And, I really thank him for blessing me great friends, and family, for providing me the fullest support in hard times.. Weee! And, especially my FMB members, I LOVE YOU ALL!


This is a long blog...


Recently, on 26 sept, I had one of the "bestest" time in my life! Guess what? It was sweet sixteen! Even though it was not celebrated in a big luxurious party, or receiving expensive gifts, but I think, sometimes being short and simple, is real sweet! Just like munching on a bar of sneakers!

Eventually, the FMB'S gone though a hard time by making it a success. Even though it did not turn up as planned, but they did a great job! I love the cake! Too bad it was celebrated in school, I had no chance of taking a shot of it. It was really delicious, and, homemade! So sweet!

And the pressie..

From: Yi xiu, theresa, kyli! Man, this might cause a fortune!
Thanks guys! Luv ya muchie ^^ ( FMB )

And also, sharifah, john ( for the cake, he made it), abigail(can't wait to take a look at the present), shailini, and Brian? Please, if you are reading this, don't go through all the trouble again, because I might be going home early. Hopefully the ice-cream melts ^^

Wondering who the FMB'S might be, take a look at em' ^^



Nope said...

"Please, if you are reading this, don't go through all the trouble again, because I might be going home early. Hopefully the ice-cream melts ^^"

Tergamak you say this ar? So bad... LoL, anyhow, best wishes in your blog.

Adding this comment only to show "support". Haha :P

Take care.

Abigail said...

heya gurl, nice start for ur blog.=) do check out mine too yea! i've linked you.hehe.

Ginny said...

Happy belated Bufday!!